Saturday, April 13, 2024

June 2023 Membership Meeting


Minutes of Meeting Conducted by 

Corvallis Post #91, The American Legion, Department of Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 20 June 2023

Location of Meeting: Corvallis Rural Fire Department – Corvallis, MT

Opening Time: 1900 by Commander Harris Himes

Attendance: Post Officers - 6   Post Members - 6       Guests - 1

Minutes from May 16, 2023 Meeting – Minutes were submitted.  Jack Berman motioned to accept minutes as submitted.  Marc Sabin seconded.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Guests and New Members – Missoula County Veterans Treatment Court Coordinator Richard Reed. 

·         Program – Richard Reed, retired USMC Gunnery Sergeant has experience in leading and caring for troops and was the key motivator to become a MSW for the state. Advocacy is a key function of his position. Eligibles are mainly vets with chemical dependency.  He works in Missoula County and helps out in Lake and Flathead Counties.  There is no Veterans Treatment Court in Ravalli County, but some foundational work has started.


Membership – 2023 new members and renewals to date are 208.  Annual District goal is 185. 

Committee Reports:

·         Bitterroot Valley Military Program: See attached report from Sean Smothers.

·         Law Enforcement Liaison – No formal report.  Our candidate for State Law Enforcement Officer of the year, Jason Liechty, did not win the state award.

·         ALERT - Harris talked about the importance and scope of the ALERT program working with the Sheriff. Discussed current teams and concepts for future teams in other areas. He then went into some details re the need for preparing for man-made and natural cataclysmic events that may be in our future.

·         Radio Club – No report

·         ScholarshipsSabin gave a summary of Student Activities and successes over the past 6 months. It has been a successful school year.

·         Bitterroot Marksmanship Club – No formal report.  David Naber has made a request for a Post banner to be hung in their indoor range.  Pat Clover will investigate getting one made.

·         Fishing Club – Chair Chris Haxton reported that the club will be meeting at Riverside Park during the summer months.

·         Auxiliary – No report

·         Memorial Day Parade A full AAR for the Memorial Day Parade was not given as Jack was not present. Comments by Sabin mentioned the positive feedback and ideas for new elements for next year from CSD#1 at the latest monthly meeting on 16 June re the parade effort next year.  He also mentioned the potential for a contingent of Corvette owners from Missoula participating next year.

·         House and Entertainment The picnic is set for 18 July.  The Auxiliary and Don Helmbrecht are coordinating on bringing food. Pat Clover is handling the beverages. The casting clinic will begin at 1600.  Food at 1700 and meeting at 1800.

Harris brought up the weekly lunch meeting at Fins to enhance camaraderie among the members. We will start the meetings once they are promulgated via robocall.


·         Commander’s ReportIn the Commander’s report Harris, noted that he would be the sole Post 91 rep at the MT Department convention next week.  He highlighted the opportunity for interaction with Legionnaires from throughout the state. He brought up the enhanced collaboration among District 5 posts that has been a major initiative for Post 91. He also brought up the 7/22 event that is being planned for the Fairgrounds Event Center. The Governor apparently cannot be there, but the MT congressional delegation may attend. Sen. Tester has expressed strong interest. Doug Mason is the recommended Master of Ceremonies for the event.  Harris described his views on how the various District 5 Posts would participate. Randi is preparing a video on Post Activities to be shown at the event.


Old Business:

·         Social Media – No report.

·         Executive Committee Election Changes - Pat related that given the need for Chris Haxton to withdraw from the Adjutant Position, Pat will remain in the position and Jim McHugh will remain as Finance Officer.  To help out, Jim and Pat will work together on budget management, and Marc Sabin will take back up meeting minutes.


New Business

·         Women’s Pistol Course – Ike reported that they are waiting for Vern’s work schedule to be solidified before scheduling the course.

·         Women’s Emergency Preparedness Training – There has been some interest in developing such a course.  More info to follow.

·         CSD#1 Donation – The Executive Committee has recommended a donation of $300 be made to CSD#1, without stipulation of how to use the funds, as a recognition for their excellent support of the district 5 meeting.  Marc Sabin motioned to make the donation.  Brian Wrede seconded.  The motion was approved by voice vote.

·         50 Mile Yard Sale - Pat reiterated his offer to host a Post table at his home as fund raising event during the 50 Mile Yard Sale the weekend of 23-24 June.  A robo call was requested to get the word out to members who might have things to donate for the sale.  Member Tom Pedersen said he would help as well.



Good of The American Legion: 

·         Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member Frank Mason’s name was drawn.  He was not present to win the $500 Frontier Guns and Ammo gift certificate.

·         VFW Meeting Place -It was mentioned that Stevensville/Victor VFW Post has opened a bar and meeting place in downtown Victor, and that Post 91 should consider supporting it.

·         Fundraising - Fundraising was a key topic.  A 5K check was recently received from a donor.  Ike talked about the need for all members to identify potential donors to enable a broad range of active programs by the post. Each member should consider themselves and advocate for the programs that the Post conducts.  Awareness of such activities is a selling point for raising funds.

·         Veteran’s Computer Classes – Member Jon Swallow talked about his work at Bitterroot Valley Community College in support of veterans integrating back into civil society.  He is talking to Randi about this.  John teaches computer applications and use at the College.  MSU is a financial supporter providing a grant for John’s work at the College.

·         Post Member’s History – Member Patrick Nolan spoke about his time in the Navy during the years 1953 to 1958.  He served as an “underwater swimmer”.  This was the precursor to Scuba diving.

Sick Call and Memorials

 Upcoming Events:

1.      Sunday July 2 to Saturday July 8 – AL Boys State and ALA Girls State - Helena

2.      Monday July 3 - Radio Club Monthly Meeting – 1800 @ BJ’s

3.      Monday July 3 - Fishing Club – Hamilton Masonic Temple, 115 S. 3rd St @1830.  Contact Chris    Haxton (406-531-2184)

4.      Tuesday July 4 - Legion Riders Meeting – 1830 @ BJ’s. (Possible postponement)

5.      Tuesday July 11 – Bitterroot Youth Marksmanship Club information event; 1100 @ Darby City Park

6.      Monday July 12 – Executive Committee Meeting – 1900 @ Jack’s Place

7.      Saturday July 15 – Patriotic Pin Up Inc., Montana Car Wash Fundraiser for Post 91.  11am-3 pm; Comfort Solutions, 856 US Hwy North – Victor.  Veterans get free washes.

13. Monday July 17 - Fishing Club – Hamilton Masonic Temple, 115 S. 3rd St @1830.  Contact Chris    Haxton (406-531-2184) (now at Riverside Park for summer months)

14.  Tuesday July 18 – Annual Picnic @ Victor Park – 1600 Casting Clinic; 1700 Potluck dinner; 1800 Meeting and Officer Installation.


Closing Time: Commander Harris adjourned the meeting at 2115