Sunday, April 24, 2022

Post 91 Regular Meeting Minutes


Minutes of Meeting Conducted by 

Corvallis Post #91, The American Legion,

Department of Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 19 April 2022

Location of Meeting: Corvallis Fire Station

Opening Time: 1902 by 2nd Vice Commander Helmbrecht

Attendance: Post Officers - 6 Post Members - 11 Guests - 3

Minutes from February 2022 – Minutes were submitted with tonight’s agenda. One change was noted – Date for submission of scholarship applications should be April 25 and not 24th as recorded. Jack Berman motioned to accept minutes as corrected, Matt Savage seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.

Commander’s Report: None

Program: Four Corvallis School District Board members/candidates spoke about the upcoming Board election and answered questions from the membership

Committee Reports:

Jim reported:

  • The post recently received a $2000 donation from the Pfau family in the memory of Jack Pfau.

  • He has received the insurance coverage cards for the Post jeep. They and a list of approved drivers will be in the vehicle glove compartment.

  • A surplus $1000 will be transferred from the membership pass-through account to the general checking account.

  • Membership:

  • 2022 Membership goal is 185 – New/Renewed membership as of 4/18 is 191.

House and Entertainment: No report

Family Liaison Committee:

  • Radio Club- Member Jack Berman said work is continuing on Jack’s Place and a recent donation of equipment was received from the Jeff Cherry estate.

  • Scholarship Committee – Chair Marc Sabin reported that to date there has been one application received, despite more initial interest. April 25 is the deadline for receiving applications.

  • Bitterroot Marksmanship Club – No Report

Old Business:

  • Memorial Day Parade – Chair Jack Berman announced that the next planning meeting will be held at BJ’s at 1800 on April 25.

  • Honor Guard Summer Uniform – Don Helmbrecht showed a sample shirt of the approved summer honor guard uniform. He said he would gather sizing information after the meeting from those Honor Guard members present.

New Business:

  • Main Street and Veterans Memorial Flag Replacements – The Main Street flags need some repair and the Memorial Flag needs replacement. April 30 was set as the tentative day for a work party. A robocall will go out asking for help.

  • Post Newsletter – Adjutant Clover asked for submission of articles for the next Post newsletter.

  • Social Media – Member Adam Merlino has put together a new Facebook page for the Post. He, Adjutant Clover, Finance Officer McHugh, and PAO Kurinec will make up a subgroup to oversee the Post’s social media accounts. Any other interested members are encouraged to join them.

  • Legionnaire of the Year – 2nd Vice Commander Helmbrecht brought up to the membership that the Post has not had a Legionnaire of the Year named in the past two years and he would like to re-establish the honor. Adjutant Clover will put together a list of criteria for people to use in nominating a 2022 Legionnaire of the Year before the July Picnic. He will have those available at next month’s membership meeting.

  • Firewood Donations – Jim McHugh spoke of a disabled veteran in Sula that has a long-term need for firewood. He is looking for others who could help with providing wood for the veteran for next winter.

  • Officer Elections – There were no nominations from the floor. Nominations were closed by Marc Sabin’s motion and Mark Savage’s second. Approved by voice vote. Membership voted by confidential ballot. Results were tabulated by Adjutant Clover. Results are attached to these minutes.

Good of The American Legion:

  • Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member Brad Burgess’s name was drawn. He was not present to win.

Sick Call and Memorials

Passing of Gary Mason, USANG

Upcoming Events:

1. Monday Apr 25 – Memorial Day Parade Committee Meeting – 1800 @ BJ’s

2. Monday 2 May– Amateur Radio Club Meeting – 1800 @ BJ’s

3. Tuesday 3 May – Legion Riders Meeting – 1830 @ BJ’s

4. Monday 16 May – Executive Committee Meeting – 0900 @ RCVSC

5. Tuesday 17 May – Membership Meeting -1900 Corvallis RFD

6. Saturday 28 May – Flag installation at Corvallis Cemetery - 1000

6. Monday May 30 – Memorial Day Parade and Cemetery Memorial – 1000

7. Tuesday May 31 – Flag retrieval at Corvallis Cemetery - 1000

7. June Timeframe – Women’s Pistol Course

Closing Time: Vice Commander Helmbrecht adjourned meeting at 2015 hrs.

2022-23 Corvallis Post 91 Officers and Board Members

Commander – Harris Himes

1st Vice Commander – Don Bratsch

2nd Vice Commander – Jack Berman

Post Adjutant – Pat Clover

Post Finance Officer – Jim McHugh

Sergeant-At-Arms – Bob Koellermeir

Post Chaplain – Brian Wrede

Post Service Officer – Dan Griffin

Post Historian – Doug Mason

Executive Committee Member – Don Helmbrecht

Executive Committee Member – Marc Sabin

Executive Committee Member – Ike Slaughter

Past Jr. Commander – Edna Nasca

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot

 “Jesus then said to his disciples, ‘If any man will follow me, let him forsake himself: and take up his cross, and follow me.’

Matthew 16:24, 1599 Geneva Bible


Corvallis, MT – The Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot are a group made up of followers of Jesus Christ who have served in the military. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and a veteran, then you have a place in this group. Our motto is “give back with love,” and our goal is to help fellow veterans, their families and the local community through prayer and work. We want all Christians, particularly veterans, to know that they are not alone, and we and others are here to help them.


We believe, local Christians need to stand up and show solidarity with fellow Christians here and around the world. The Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot are asking all Christians in the Bitterroot Valley to “March for Jesus Christ” on Saturday, April 16th, 2021. You don’t need to be a veteran to participate in the march.


The march will start at 7:00 a.m. at the Angler’s Roost south of Hamilton. We will proceed north along the U.S. Highway 93 on the Bitterroot Trail to Set Free Christian Fellowship Church in Lolo, Montana.


We are asking valley churches, youth groups, families, friends, and individuals to participate by walking a three-mile section as a group. Your time commitment is the drive to the checkpoint, a one hour walk and then the drive home. We still need cross bearers for this year’s march. Please pray for those planning this magnificent event.


For more information call Brian Wrede 406-369-5813 or attend the Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot prayer breakfast at BJ’s every Monday at 7:00 am. You can also go to or