Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Post 91 Regular January Meeting Minutes

 Minutes of Meeting Conducted by 
Corvallis Post #91, The American Legion, Department of Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 17 January 2023

Location of Meeting: Corvallis Fire Department – Corvallis MT

Opening Time: 1900 by Commander Himes

Attendance: Post Officers - 8    Post Members - 13         Guests - 2

Minutes from October, November and December 2022  Meetings– Minutes were submitted.  Jack Berman moved that the past meeting’s minutes be accepted as submitted.  Don Helmbrecht seconded the motion.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Program –

Marshall Bloom M.D. of the Rocky Mountain Laboratory in Hamilton gave a talk about the history of the lab, its components, and major pathogens it has worked with.

Guests and New Members – 5th District Commander Terry Wahls visited the meeting.

Commander’s Report –Commander Himes reported that he was pleased with the progress the Post has been making, especially in the schools.  We have a good working relationship with CSD#1 Superintendent Joseph and the CHS faculty.  He feels we still need more momentum with the Sheriff’s office programs.  He also encouraged people to consider volunteering at the schools.  He also mentioned that the Executive Committee meetings will be held on the second Monday of the month at 1900 so that more Executive Committee members can attend.  Meeting will still be held at Jack’s Place.

Committee Reports:

  • House and Entertainment:  Upcoming District 5 Meeting on 30 April.  Still looking for a location.  CHS possible location.

  •  Radio Club – Doug Mason gave an update on the activities. The Club supported the Darby Dog Derby on January 14 & 15.  They will be holding their Winter Field Days on January 28 & 29. They will be conducting a EM-Com training on February 2 at the CHS library at 1900, and on successive first Thursdays.  Their HF repeater is still on order.  There will be a Fox Hunt held soon after the Winter Field Day.

  • Scholarships – Marc reported that the second scholarship payments have been received at the respective schools. He and other members will be working on a revision of the SOP based upon lessons learned from the 2022 Program for the upcoming scholarship year. This will be coordinated within the Scholarship Committee. Marc is working with Jennifer Gaston-Smith, Counselor, to determine if and when it would make sense to have previous scholarship winners talk to the current Seniors at CHS.
  • Shooting Club – David Naber reported that the Darby Rodeo has agreed to share the cost of insulating and heating the range Quonset hut. The group will be holding its first community planning meeting on Tuesday 1/24 at the Darby Library.  They have two grant applications pending with the NRA Foundation.  Three assistant coaches are in training, and they have a list of 30 possible participants.  Their “First Shot” ceremony will potentially be held in May.
  • Fishing Club – Bobby Tucker said they have been learning fly tying and rod building.
  • Auxiliary – Linda Niezgodzki was absent due to illness.  Edna Nasca reported that the AL Auxiliary is ready to help where they can with the upcoming Active Duty Reconnect. 


  • New/Renewed membership to date is 185.  Goal is 185

 Old Business:

  • Active Duty Reconnect – Coordinator Chris Kurinec previously reported that our roster is full with 1 USAF, 2 USMC and 2 USN participants.  Airfare has been purchased.  Dates are February 24-28.
  • Social Media – Media Coordinator Randi Thorson reported that she is developing a “Terms of Use” for administrators and editors to agree to before getting access to our media sites.  This is a best practice in the industry.  She is pleased with the response on Facebook and will be working on an Instagram account and our blogspot.

 School Programs

    • Career Days – Randi also reported on the January career days at CHS.  Over two days there were about 18 presenters or displayers of careers that may interest both students with and without college plans.  We received good press in the Ravalli County Republic.
    • School Program Integration Initiative – Chair Marc Sabin reported:
      • The Constitutional Essay program is ramping up with the support of Mr. Leonardi, the AP Government Instructor at CHS. Commander Himes has had a number of contacts with Mr. Leonardi. A follow up meeting with Mr. Leonardi should take place by the end of January.
      • Doug Mason is working with Mr. McConnah, CHS Speech Teacher, to develop a contestant for the Oratory competition.
      • Meeting with CSD#1 Superintendent Joseph are now being held monthly.
      • Chris and Ginny Hoffman will be the coordinators for Boys and Girls State this year.

 Bitterroot Valley Military Program Update – Program Coordinator Sean Smothers gave a presentation outlining the groups goals and progress in getting off the ground with startup planned for the March time frame (See attached overview). He said there is a lot of interest from parents and potential members. He spoke about requesting from the Executive Committee that the BVMP become an affiliate of the Post, like a Radio Club so that they can fall under our non-profit status.  This relationship will benefit both the Post and BVMP. It will allow them to fund raise and obtain insurance to meet the criteria of the Corvallis School District which will allow them to use school facilities.  They are also starting a sponsorship program where individuals or entities can sponsor the costs of a participant’s kit – which will be about $350.

New Business:

·       Bylaws and Constitutional Changes – At the January 16, 2023, Executive Committee, the Committee approved proposing changes to the Post Bylaws and Constitution to:

o   Increase the amount of committee members to achieve a quorum to conduct business from the existing 3 to 6.

o   Establish requirements that the Post have an annual fiscal year budget that is approved by the membership at the April Meeting.  Additionally, there will be limits on the amount the Executive Committee can exceed the established budget ($500) without the approval of the general membership.

o   The Post constitution be changed to recognize the Bitterroot Valley Military Program be an official youth program of Post 91.

      Doug Mason presented the proposed changes (attached) and read them to the assembled membership.  The changes will be voted on by the membership at the February 21, 2023 meeting.

·        Nominating Committee - Volunteers were requested for the upcoming officer election nominating committee.  The following will be the 2023 nominating committee:  Pat Clover, Tim Smith, Brian Wrede, Doug Mason and Bobby Tucker.  They will meet in February.

·         Memorial Day Parade – Chair Jack Berman announced that he will be needing help with the parade planning.  He will convene a meeting in the near future.


Good of The American Legion: 

·         Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member Terry Williamson’s name was drawn.  He was not present to win the $500 Frontier Guns and Ammo gift certificate.

Sick Call and Memorials

Past Junior Commander thanked the membership for their prayers during her recent surgery. 

 Upcoming Events:

 1.  Saturday/Sunday January 28/29 – Radio Club Winter Field Day

 2. Thursday February 2 - Fishing Club Meeting – 1800 at Chris Haxton’s house (406-531-2184)

 3. Thursday February 2– Emergency Communications and Response Training – 1900 @ CHS Library.

 4. Monday February 6 – Radio Club Monthly Meeting – 1800 @ BJ’s

 5.  Tuesday February 7 - Legion Riders Meeting – 1830 @ BJ’s

6.  Monday February 13 - Monthly Executive Committee Meeting – 0900 @ Jack’s Place.

9.  Tuesday February 21 - Monthly Membership Meeting - 1900 @ CRFD.

10.  Thursday-Sunday February 24-28 – Winter Active Duty Reconnect.

Closing Time: Commander Himes adjourned the meeting at 2110 hrs