Thursday, January 19, 2023

Bitterroot Youth Marksmanship Club

 Update from Post 91 Affiliated Bitterroot Youth Marksmanship Club

  • Darby Rodeo Association approved range insulation & heating and generously split the cost.
    • Project is scheduled for March completion.
  • 3 assistant rifle coach volunteers completing JMIC Rifle Coach Training
    • All adults are undergoing LE background checks.
  • Received bid for Club Equipment & Liability Insurance, will be fully insured soon.
  • Our 501c3 committee will meet TU 24 JAN at 6:30 pm at the Darby Rodeo.
    • We currently have unfilled committee positions in both Fundraising and Finance.
    • If you have interest in these positions or would like to be a general volunteer you are welcome to attend.
  • We have an interest list of 30+ youth. Club max capacity will be 24.
    • As any new youth club, we do anticipate a high level of initial attrition/turnover.
    • If you know of any youth that may be interested please contact us.
    • We will keep participating youth on the team through high school but the optimum age to begin training and achieve competitive success is ages 10-14.
  • We will be operating a hotdog/hamburger booth at all Darby Rodeos again this summer.
    • This booth will be our primary source of revenue for club operations.
  • We have a pair of grant requests pending with the Friends of the NRA for additional rifles and shooting equipment as well as classroom tables/chairs and whiteboards.
  • We anticipate having an Opening Shot Ceremony in Late Spring
    • Date TBD. Regular youth practice will begin after that. I will notify the Post as our schedule fleshes out.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Post 91 Regular December Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting Conducted by Corvallis Post #91, The American Legion, Department of Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 20 December 2022

Location of Meeting: Corvallis Fire Department – Corvallis MT

Opening Time: 1830 by Commander Himes

Attendance: Post Officers - 9    Post Members - 14         Guests - 6

Minutes from October and November 2022  Meetings– Minutes were submitted.  No motion was made to accept the minutes as submitted. Tabled to January meeting.

Program –

·         Buddy Checks – Calls were made to 64 members who had not participated in any activity during the past year.  22 members were reached and two were referred to the Chaplain for further follow-up.

·         Sheriff Steve Holton – Sheriff Holton spoke at length about the challenges his department is facing with drugs being the highest.  He said the mix of drugs found has changed to meth, cocaine and heroin.  With the legalization of recreational marijuana his deputies are encountering more DUI with marijuana the primary cause, rather than alcohol.  Field testing for THC is still being developed leading to each stop taking more time than in the past.

The Sheriff spoke about his vision for having more volunteer participation with his department and he is excited that the local AL Posts are showing interest.  Most tasks would be support during manpower shortages or during a natural disaster.

Guests and New Members – Several spouses were in attendance.  New members Alex Argota, Joshua Vallejo and Dave Smith introduced themselves.

Commander’s Report – Commander Harris spoke briefly on how our outreach in the community all fall within the foundational pillars of the American Legion.  He is pleased with our new programs in the schools and with the Sheriff’s Department.

Committee Reports:

·         Radio Club – Doug Mason gave an update on the activities.  The Radio Club is going to have a busy January. He reported that license testing will occur soon.  The club will be supporting the Darby Dog Derby on January 14 & 15.  They will be holding their winter field days on January 28 & 29. They will be conducting a EM-Com training on January 5 at the CHS library at 1900.  The Christian Academy has asked for help in presenting a technical curriculum to its students.

·         Scholarships – Marc Sabin reported that the second half payment for this year’s awards are due to go out.  The scholarship committee will meet early in the new year to develop 2023’s program.

·         Shooting Club – No report

·         Fishing Club – Chris Haxton reported that he is convalescing from surgery but the club will still meet on the first Thursday of the month.  He said attendance has been low, but they are enjoying tie flying for the time being.

·         Auxiliary – No report



·         New/Renewed membership to date is 181.  Goal is 185.

House and Entertainment:  No report

Old Business:

·         Active Duty Reconnect – New member Josh Vallejo spoke about his experience as a ADR participant in 2017.  He was very grateful for the opportunity.  As it stands now we have 1 USAF airman confirmed, 1 Marine in the pipeline and three potential Navy personnel.

·         Social Media – No update

·          School Programs

o   Career Days - Adjutant Clover reported on the 12/7 Military Career Day at CHS.  All major branches were represented, and the recruiters were happy with the student participation.  All recruiters are planning in participating in the upcoming 1/10 senior career day.  Stacy Cortes talked about the upcoming events on Jan 10/11 at CHS. They have been meeting regularly with CHS Career Counselor Jennifer Gaston-Smith.

o   School Program Integration Initiative – School Programs chair Marc Sabin reported on recent activities.  He and Doug have met once with Superintendent Joseph and the Community Liaison Sarah Fryer.  They explained the Legion’s School programs to the Superintendent.  Superintendent Joseph was positive about our involvement as well as our programs.  Marc also attended a meeting held by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 

o   District Five Meeting – April 30, 2023 – Chaplain Wrede, with support from Linda Niezgodzki will obtain a place for the meeting.

o    Bitterroot Valley Military Program Update – Commander Himes said that the Program has been given a place to work from at the School District.  The program will be open to all youth in the valley and hope to start programs in March.

New Business:

·         Future Women’s Shooting Programs - Ike talked about some ideas for future programs.  A possibility is a survival course, led by some post members and Harry Lee, who owns a local Preparedness company.  More details to follow.

·         Flag Burning AAR – 1st Vice Commander Bratsch reported that the Post had ceremoniously retired 519 flags this year.

·         CHS Speech Tournament – Doug Mason talked about the upcoming regional speech tournament, and that they are looking for volunteer judges.  He will put out a robocall prior to the event.


Good of The American Legion: 

·         Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member Larry Johnson’s name was drawn.  He was present to win the $500 Frontier Guns and Ammo gift certificate.

Sick Call and Memorials

Member Gene Wilhelm received military honors on December 12, 2022

 Upcoming Events:

 1.  Monday January 2nd – Radio Club Monthly Meeting – 1800 @ BJ’s

2.  Tuesday January 3rd - Legion Riders Meeting – 1830 @ BJ’s

3.  Thursday January 5th - Fishing Club Meeting – 1800 at Chris Haxton’s house (406-531-2184)

4.  Thursday January 5th – Emergency Communications and Response Training – 1900 @ CHS Library.

5. Friday/Saturday 5/6 – CHS Speech Tournament

6.  Tuesday/Wednesday January 10/11 – CHS Career Days – 0910-1100 in CHS Gym

7.  Saturday/Sunday January 14/15 – Darby Dog Derby

8.  Monday January 16 - Monthly Executive Committee Meeting – 0900 @ Jack’s Place.

9.  Tuesday January 17 - Monthly Membership Meeting - 1900 @ CRFD.

10. Saturday/Sunday January 28/29 – Radio Club Winter Field Day

11.  Thursday-Sunday February 24-28 – Winter Active Duty Reconnect.

Closing Time: Commander Himes adjourned the meeting at 2030 hrs

Post 91 Regular November Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting Conducted by Corvallis Post #91, The American Legion, Department of Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 15 November 2022

Location of Meeting: Corvallis Fire Department – Corvallis MT

Opening Time: 1902 by Commander Himes

Attendance: Post Officers - 8     Post Members - 13         Guests - 3

Minutes from October 2022 – Minutes were submitted.  No motion was made to accept the minutes as submitted. Tabled to December meeting.

Program –

·         UM ROTC Program – Coordinator Tracy Mitchell and UM Military Science Instructor LT Col Brad Culver gave a presentation on the UM program and the challenges overall at finding qualified candidates.  Tracy will be attending the Post 91 sponsored Career Day at CHS on Dec 7th.

Guests and New Members – New members Randi Thorson and Joe Tenzer introduced themselves.  Randi’s husband, Laurence, a potential member, introduced himself.

Commander’s Report – Commander Harris requested feedback for the Veteran’s Day activities.  Dinner feedback is listed under the House and Entertainment section.

Committee Reports:

·         Radio Club – Doug Mason gave an update on the activities.  The purchased storage container was delivered which allowed the closing of the Post’s rented storage unit.  This will save the Post approximately $1200/yr.  Flooring has been installed in the main room of Jack’s Place.  Awaiting cove base and trim installation.  Repeater has been ordered.  Winter Field Day is scheduled for last weekend in January at St. Joseph’s Pass

·         Scholarships – No report

·         Shooting Club – No report

·         Fishing Club – Chris Haxton sent word that he will convalescing after surgery, but there will be a substitute instructor at the Dec 8 meeting.

·         Auxiliary – Linda sent handouts for the AL Auxiliary Christmas Gathering at Higher Ground Brewing Co. evening of Dec 8.



·         New/Renewed membership to date is 159.  Goal is 185.

House and Entertainment: 

o   Corvallis Downtown Trunk or Treat - John Mowat gave a report on the event that the Post Jeep participated in.  He said it was fun, and well received by the trick or treaters and their parents.  He suggested that we plan on attending next year’s event.

o   Veteran’s Day Dinner – Commander Harris asked for feedback on the dinner.  He acknowledged Jack Berman and his team for a well put together event.  Speaker MG Vallely got mixed reviews.  Some said that his talk was too political for this type of function. People mentioned that he and his staff were very friendly and spent time talking with the attendees personally.  115 diners attended.  The Post covered meals for 45 Early Birds and 8 other guests, including the speaker’s party and Ravalli County Sheriff Steve Holton and his wife.


Old Business:

·         Active Duty Reconnect – 1 family member, Ryan Wiggins, has applied for the upcoming winter ADR.  We are awaiting word from Stevensville Post 94 to see if they have any candidates.  The deadline for having any local candidates is Thanksgiving.  After that CK and John Nolan will reach out to other commands.  CK has presented a proposed budget that is under consideration by the Executive Committee.

·         Social Media – No update

·          School Programs

o   Career Days -Adjutant Clover reported that he and Stacy Cortes have gotten commitments from all the branches, except Coast Guard and Space Command, to participate in the Dec 7 Career Day at CHS. Stacy and Pat will meet with Guidance Counselor Jennifer Gaston-Smith on 11/17 to discuss future days in 2023.

o   School Program Integration Initiative – School Programs chair Marc Sabin gave a presentation on the Post’s school focused programs.  The underlying need is for more participation by Post members and the local schools to achieve more success.  With the information he developed (presentation attached) we can determine the next steps for a higher level of engagement.  Marc, Harris, Stacy and potentially Doug will be meeting with the new Corvallis School District Superintendent on 11/21 to present our programs.  

New Business:

·         Corvallis Middle School Ski Program – Member Jack Berman and Adjutant chatted with Josh McCroffin, one of the CMS Ski Program leaders at the CMS Veteran’s Day Assembly.  He again expressed his gratitude for the Post’s donation to the Ski Program.  He said that with other donations, this year’s program is now fully funded.  Our donation was enough to cover the transportation costs this year and next.

·         District 5 Meeting – Event is scheduled for April 30.

·         December Meeting 12/20 – Guest speaker will be Sheriff Steve Holton.  We will also doing Buddy Check calls starting at 1830.


Good of The American Legion: 

·         Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member Sean Herman’s name was drawn.  He was not present to win the $500 Frontier Guns and Ammo gift certificate.

·         CPR Training – Chaplain Wrede was taking signups for an upcoming CPR class, cost $55.



Sick Call and Memorials

 Upcoming Events:

1.      Monday December 5 – Radio Club Monthly Meeting – BJ’s @ 1800.

2.      Tuesday December 6 - Legion Riders Monthly Meeting – BJ’s @ 1830.

3.      Wednesday December 7 – Career Day at CHS – 1000-1150

4.      Thursday November 8 – Fishing Club – Contact Chris Haxton

5.      Monday December 19 - Monthly Executive Committee Meeting – Jack’s Place @ 0900.

6.      Tuesday December 20 – Monthly Membership Meeting – 1900 CRFD



Closing Time: Commander Himes adjourned the meeting at 2021 hrs

Post 91 Regular October Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting Conducted by              Corvallis Post #91, The American Legion, Department of Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 18 October 2022

Location of Meeting: Corvallis Fire Department – Corvallis MT

Opening Time: 1910 by Commander Himes

Attendance: Post Officers - 9     Post Members - 15          Guests - 8

Minutes from Sept 2022 – Minutes were submitted.  Doug Mason motioned to accept minutes as submitted.  Edna Nasca seconded.  Motion carried by voice vote.

Program –

·         Guests Michelle Nelon and Nate Bellinger gave a presentation about the Montana Youth Challenge program.  It is a government funded program at the UM Western Campus in Dillon.  She is looking for local mentors for any youth in the program from Missoula or the Bitterroot.

·         Guests Jamie Smothers and Kristin Gyford spoke about the services available from the Ravalli County Veterans Service Center. Jamie also talked about the new PACT act and the expanded categories of service-connected disabilities.

Commander’s Report - Commander Harris gave a quick bio of US Army General (ret) Paul Vallely, our guest speaker at the upcoming Veteran’s Day dinner on November 11. 

Committee Reports:

·         Radio Club – Doug Mason gave an update on the activities.  They held a successful “Fox Hunt” and plan on holding it quarterly.  October is American Radio Emergency Services Training month.  Earthquake Response training will be on October 20.  Winter Field Day is scheduled for January.  Motorola emergency band radios are available to anyone who wants one.

·         Scholarships – No report

·         Shooting Club – David Naber reported that they are still looking for an insulation contractor to perform a spray on application in the club’s Quonset hut range.  He also corrected last month’s report that they had actually received their 501(c)3 non-profit designation last March.  The Darby Rodeo Association has also offered the club storage space in a new building they are planning.  The Association is presently fund raising for the approximately $75,000 cost.  The Shooting Club has pledged $10,000 towards that campaign.

·         Fishing Club – No Report

·         Auxiliary – Linda Niezgodzki spoke about the upcoming American Legion Boys State and the AL Auxiliary Girls State programs.  Parts will be consolidated to help lower overall costs.  The event this year will be held at Fort Harrison in Helena.  Doug Mason also added that the Auxiliary has been planting trees at Corvallis Cemetery for both Auxiliary and Post members.  The latest planting cost over $800 and he motioned that the Post help cover those costs with a $800 donation to the Auxiliary.  John Mowat seconded the motion.  Motion passed with a voice vote.



·         2022 final membership was 201.  – New/Renewed membership to date is 146.

House and Entertainment:  Dinner Chair Jack Berman said he needed reservations from those who want to attend by Nov 8th.  Doug will send a robocall out with that info and Adjutant Clover will send out an email to those with addresses.

Old Business:

·         Active Duty Reconnect – 1 family member has applied for the program by the Oct 1 deadline.  Co-Chair Chris Kurinec was meeting with the Stevensville Post this same night to determine if they plan on participating with us.  Tentative date is either the end of January or February.

·         Jack’s Place – Flooring has been purchased and awaiting installation.  The 20’ storage container was delivered today.  There will be a work party on Friday 10/21 to frame out half of the container to accommodate the Radio Club equipment.  Items will be transferred to from our existing rented storage unit to the container by November 1.

·         Social Media – No update

·          School Programs – Adjutant Clover reported that the Post has been asked to coordinate an Armed Forces Day at CHS on December 7th.  He and Stacy Cortes will contact the branch recruiters.  CHS has also requested we coordinate a Career Day in January, day yet to be determined.  Marc Sabin will be coordinating the other school programs and spoke about the need to help re-establish the formal teaching of American Civics in the schools.  Our programs will help do that.   

New Business:

·         Corvallis Middle School Ski Program – Member Stacy Cortes gave an overview of the program the school is trying to start up.  They are speaking to groups to raise the estimated $15,000 for this year’s program. She and Coach Josh McCroffin had given a similar presentation to the Executive Committee at their October 17 meeting.  Commander Harris explained that the Executive Committee had moved to place the request before the general membership with a suggested donation of $6,000 for this year’s program.  John Mowat motioned the Post donate $6,000 to the Corvallis Middle School ski program.  Brian Wrede seconded the motion.  Motion carried by voice vote.

·         District 5 Meeting, March 2023 – Commander Harris reported that the District 5 Commander, Terry Wahl, has asked Post 91 to host the March meeting.  There will be future planning in the new year.

·         Corvallis Trunk or Treat, October 31- Commander Harris said that a coordinator of the Trunk or Treat on Halloween has asked the Post to participate in the event held on Main Street 1630 to 1800 on the 31st..  Marc Sabin motioned that the Post participate in the event.  Keith Graves seconded the motion.  Motion carried by voice vote.  Doug Mason motioned that the Post purchase candy for the event with a cost not to exceed $200.  Brian Wrede seconded the motion.  Motion carried by voice vote. Finance Officer Jim McHugh said he would coordinate the candy purchase.

·         HEARTism Community Center – Doug Mason mentioned the center as a place that the Post could somehow support.  Chaplain Wrede said he would pay them a visit.

Good of The American Legion: 

·         Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member Chris Kurinec name was drawn.  He was not present to win the $500 Frontier Guns and Ammo gift certificate.

·         Chaplain Wrede spoke about the Operation Christmas Child, operated by Samaritan’s Purse.  He also reinforced that we as individuals and as an organization need to encourage participation in American Civics activities.


Sick Call and Memorials

 Upcoming Events:

1.      Tuesday Nov 1 - Legion Riders Monthly Meeting – BJ’s @ 1830.

2.      Thursday Nov 3 – Fishing Club – Contact Chris Haxton

3.      Monday Nov 8 – Radio Club Monthly Meeting – BJ’s @ 1800.

4.      Friday November 11 – Veterans Day Parade (11:11 hrs); Dinner at Victor Steak House - 1800

5.      Monday November 14 - Monthly Executive Committee Meeting – Jack’s Place @ 0900.

6.      Tuesday November 15 – Monthly Membership Meeting – 1900 CRFD



Closing Time: Commander Himes adjourned the meeting at 2110 hrs