Sunday, April 24, 2022

Post 91 Regular Meeting Minutes


Minutes of Meeting Conducted by 

Corvallis Post #91, The American Legion,

Department of Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 19 April 2022

Location of Meeting: Corvallis Fire Station

Opening Time: 1902 by 2nd Vice Commander Helmbrecht

Attendance: Post Officers - 6 Post Members - 11 Guests - 3

Minutes from February 2022 – Minutes were submitted with tonight’s agenda. One change was noted – Date for submission of scholarship applications should be April 25 and not 24th as recorded. Jack Berman motioned to accept minutes as corrected, Matt Savage seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.

Commander’s Report: None

Program: Four Corvallis School District Board members/candidates spoke about the upcoming Board election and answered questions from the membership

Committee Reports:

Jim reported:

  • The post recently received a $2000 donation from the Pfau family in the memory of Jack Pfau.

  • He has received the insurance coverage cards for the Post jeep. They and a list of approved drivers will be in the vehicle glove compartment.

  • A surplus $1000 will be transferred from the membership pass-through account to the general checking account.

  • Membership:

  • 2022 Membership goal is 185 – New/Renewed membership as of 4/18 is 191.

House and Entertainment: No report

Family Liaison Committee:

  • Radio Club- Member Jack Berman said work is continuing on Jack’s Place and a recent donation of equipment was received from the Jeff Cherry estate.

  • Scholarship Committee – Chair Marc Sabin reported that to date there has been one application received, despite more initial interest. April 25 is the deadline for receiving applications.

  • Bitterroot Marksmanship Club – No Report

Old Business:

  • Memorial Day Parade – Chair Jack Berman announced that the next planning meeting will be held at BJ’s at 1800 on April 25.

  • Honor Guard Summer Uniform – Don Helmbrecht showed a sample shirt of the approved summer honor guard uniform. He said he would gather sizing information after the meeting from those Honor Guard members present.

New Business:

  • Main Street and Veterans Memorial Flag Replacements – The Main Street flags need some repair and the Memorial Flag needs replacement. April 30 was set as the tentative day for a work party. A robocall will go out asking for help.

  • Post Newsletter – Adjutant Clover asked for submission of articles for the next Post newsletter.

  • Social Media – Member Adam Merlino has put together a new Facebook page for the Post. He, Adjutant Clover, Finance Officer McHugh, and PAO Kurinec will make up a subgroup to oversee the Post’s social media accounts. Any other interested members are encouraged to join them.

  • Legionnaire of the Year – 2nd Vice Commander Helmbrecht brought up to the membership that the Post has not had a Legionnaire of the Year named in the past two years and he would like to re-establish the honor. Adjutant Clover will put together a list of criteria for people to use in nominating a 2022 Legionnaire of the Year before the July Picnic. He will have those available at next month’s membership meeting.

  • Firewood Donations – Jim McHugh spoke of a disabled veteran in Sula that has a long-term need for firewood. He is looking for others who could help with providing wood for the veteran for next winter.

  • Officer Elections – There were no nominations from the floor. Nominations were closed by Marc Sabin’s motion and Mark Savage’s second. Approved by voice vote. Membership voted by confidential ballot. Results were tabulated by Adjutant Clover. Results are attached to these minutes.

Good of The American Legion:

  • Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member Brad Burgess’s name was drawn. He was not present to win.

Sick Call and Memorials

Passing of Gary Mason, USANG

Upcoming Events:

1. Monday Apr 25 – Memorial Day Parade Committee Meeting – 1800 @ BJ’s

2. Monday 2 May– Amateur Radio Club Meeting – 1800 @ BJ’s

3. Tuesday 3 May – Legion Riders Meeting – 1830 @ BJ’s

4. Monday 16 May – Executive Committee Meeting – 0900 @ RCVSC

5. Tuesday 17 May – Membership Meeting -1900 Corvallis RFD

6. Saturday 28 May – Flag installation at Corvallis Cemetery - 1000

6. Monday May 30 – Memorial Day Parade and Cemetery Memorial – 1000

7. Tuesday May 31 – Flag retrieval at Corvallis Cemetery - 1000

7. June Timeframe – Women’s Pistol Course

Closing Time: Vice Commander Helmbrecht adjourned meeting at 2015 hrs.

2022-23 Corvallis Post 91 Officers and Board Members

Commander – Harris Himes

1st Vice Commander – Don Bratsch

2nd Vice Commander – Jack Berman

Post Adjutant – Pat Clover

Post Finance Officer – Jim McHugh

Sergeant-At-Arms – Bob Koellermeir

Post Chaplain – Brian Wrede

Post Service Officer – Dan Griffin

Post Historian – Doug Mason

Executive Committee Member – Don Helmbrecht

Executive Committee Member – Marc Sabin

Executive Committee Member – Ike Slaughter

Past Jr. Commander – Edna Nasca

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot

 “Jesus then said to his disciples, ‘If any man will follow me, let him forsake himself: and take up his cross, and follow me.’

Matthew 16:24, 1599 Geneva Bible


Corvallis, MT – The Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot are a group made up of followers of Jesus Christ who have served in the military. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and a veteran, then you have a place in this group. Our motto is “give back with love,” and our goal is to help fellow veterans, their families and the local community through prayer and work. We want all Christians, particularly veterans, to know that they are not alone, and we and others are here to help them.


We believe, local Christians need to stand up and show solidarity with fellow Christians here and around the world. The Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot are asking all Christians in the Bitterroot Valley to “March for Jesus Christ” on Saturday, April 16th, 2021. You don’t need to be a veteran to participate in the march.


The march will start at 7:00 a.m. at the Angler’s Roost south of Hamilton. We will proceed north along the U.S. Highway 93 on the Bitterroot Trail to Set Free Christian Fellowship Church in Lolo, Montana.


We are asking valley churches, youth groups, families, friends, and individuals to participate by walking a three-mile section as a group. Your time commitment is the drive to the checkpoint, a one hour walk and then the drive home. We still need cross bearers for this year’s march. Please pray for those planning this magnificent event.


For more information call Brian Wrede 406-369-5813 or attend the Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot prayer breakfast at BJ’s every Monday at 7:00 am. You can also go to or

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

 This year's Memorial Day Parade entry form is now active! Scroll halfway down this blogspot on the right about halfway down and click on the link for an entry into this year's parade! See you there!

Friday, March 18, 2022

March Montly Meeting Minutes


Minutes of Meeting Conducted by

 Corvallis Post #91, The American Legion,

 Department of Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 15 March 2022

Location of Meeting: Corvallis Fire Station

Opening Time: 1900 by 2nd Vice Commander Helmbrecht

Attendance: Post Officers - 8 Post Members - 15 Guests - 1

Minutes from February 2022 – Minutes were submitted with tonight’s agenda. Doug Mason motioned to accept minutes as submitted, Harris Himes seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.

Commander’s Report: None

Program: Chris Hoffman introduced 2021 Boys State Delegate Brinson Wyche. Brinson spoke about his experiences at Boys State and was awarded a silver buckle from the post.

Committee Reports:


  • 2022 Membership goal is 185 – New/Renewed membership as of 3/15 is 183.

House and Entertainment:

  • Pint Night – Approximately 40 veterans and Post members attended the first annual Legion Birthday Pint Night at Higher Ground Brewery in Hamilton. Many door prizes were given. Three new members signed up, one SAL member and one transfer from another post. Results were also shared with District 5 leadership.

Family Liaison Committee:

  • Radio Club- Doug Mason spoke about construction progress on Jack’s Place. Only major thing remaining is interior painting, which will be completed this week. The club held a “Light Up the Fire Hall” event with three fire stations. 14 club members participated.

  • Scholarship Committee – Chair Marc Sabin reported that there have been 8 individuals expressing interest in a scholarship. He spoke about the Executive Committee’s desire to expand the eligibility criteria so that more people can be potential recipients. April 24 is the deadline for receiving applications.

  • Bitterroot Marksmanship Club – Club founder, David Naber, was not present due to a previous speaking engagement. He has spoken earlier to Adjutant Clover saying they are actively fundraising and plans on making all the Post meetings he possibly can.

Old Business:

  • Winter Active Duty Reconnect – Adjutant Clover summarized the program results. The participants were 2 Marines from Camp Pendleton, and 2 Air Force couples from Joint Base Lewis-McChord. The two Army personnel could not make it due to a last-minute deployment. All enjoyed the Stock Farm and Lost Trail hospitality, as well as the interaction with Post members at the various meals. Kudos to members Chris Kurinec and John Nolan for their pre-event and day-to-day coordination of the events.

  • School Career Day – Adjutant Clover reported that the Post is sponsoring a Health Care Professions Career Day on April 20 at CHS. He is looking for help in getting speakers for the event. Time will be 10:15-11:50.

  • School Programs – Harris Himes announced that there were no candidates for the Constitutional Essay Program. George Deaderick said that there was interest in the Oratorical contest, but no one ended up completing the application.

  • Memorial Day Parade – Chair Jack Berman announced that the first planning meeting will be held at BJ’s at 1800 on March 28. He also announced that Edna Nasca has accepted our invitation to be Grand Marshall at this year’s parade.

  • Jack’s Place Dedication – The dedication will be held at 1100, Saturday April 2. Honor Guard and Jack’s family will be in attendance. All Post members are invited.

New Business:

  • Law Enforcement Officer of the Year – Adjutant Clover announced that Post 91’s LEOY Ike Jessop was chosen the Montana State Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.

  • Officer Elections – Nominations were opened by Doug Mason’s motion with Harris Himes seconding. All approved. At least two present officers will not continue. Any nominations should be forwarded to Adjutant Clover.

  • Service Officer Report – Service Officer Griffin spoke about recent developments with service-connected ratings, as well as the proposed closing of three eastern Montana clinics. Our elected representatives have gone on record against the closings.

Good of The American Legion:

  • New Members Christopher Haxton, Chris Knepp and Adam Merlino introduced themselves.

  • Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member John Meyers name was drawn. He was not present to win.

Sick Call and Memorials


Upcoming Events:

1. Saturday 2 Apr – Jack’s Place Dedication - 1100

2. Monday 4 Apr– Amateur Radio Club Meeting – 1800 @ BJ’s

3. Tuesday 5 Apr – Legion Riders Meeting – 1830 @ BJ’s

4. Monday 18 Apr – Executive Committee Meeting – 0900 @ RCVSC

5. Tuesday 19 Apr – Membership Meeting -1900 Corvallis RFD

6. Wednesday 20 Apr – CHS Career Day, 1015-1150

6. Monday May 30 – Memorial Day Parade and Cemetery Memorial

7. June Timeframe – Women’s Pistol Course

Closing Time: Vice Commander Helmbrecht adjourned meeting at 2015 hrs.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Post 91s Law Enforcement Officer of the Year

Corvallis Post 91s candidate for Law Enforcement Officer of the year has won the Montana American Legion Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. Congratulations Officer Jessop!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Active Duty Reconnect


American Legion Corvallis Post 91 will conduct its annual active duty reconnect this week. Post 91 flies in veterans from all the services and it is all paid for by the post and generous donors in the Bitterroot Valley. This is a chance to meet active duty veterans. These vets will arrive tomorrow March 2. They will enjoy skiing and other winter sports and relax in the Bitterroot. Please join these active duty personnel during the day or at least in the evening. Here are the evening schedule of events: 530PM on Wed we will meet at Finns in Corvallis, 530PM on Thur we will meet at the Higher Ground brewery in Hamilton, 530PM on Friday we will meet at Wild Mare in Corvallis, 530PM on Saturday we will meet at the Stock Farm Clubhouse, There are limited seats for the Stock Farm so please call Legion Adjutant Pat Clover at 406-381-1171. You are encouraged to come and meet the active duty personnel, its a lot of fun and is one of Post 91s major events of the year! THANK YOU!

Monday, February 28, 2022

First Annual Veterans Pint Night Fundraiser


American Legion Corvallis Post 91 will conduct its first annual veterans pint night starting at 530 PM and going to 8 PM on Monday March 14th at the Higher Ground Brewery in Hamilton. This event is open to the public and especially veterans. Starting at 6 PM door prizes will be drawn for veterans every 15 minutes. Those door prizes include but are not limited to a steelhead fishing trip on the Clearwater River, a whitefish fishing trip on Flathead Lake, a fly fishing trip on the Bitterroot River and much much more! Come out and support the American Legion! Thank you!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Bitterroot Marksmanship Club (Youth)

 American Legion Post 91 is now affiliated with the Bitterroot Marksmanship Club. Their vision is to build essential life skills with the Bitterroot Valley's youth through the development of nationally competitive sporter and precision class air rifle teams. This club is a 501 3C Nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible and receipts will be provided. No donation is too big or small. Please help establish this exciting opportunity for Bitterroot Valley youth. We cannot do this without the generosity of our community. For more information, please contact them at or call David Nader at (505)330-4845. Thank you!

Bitterroot Marksmanship Club Donor Form

Please use the below form to make a donation to the Bitterroot Marksmanship Club

As a 501 c3 non-profit organization, all donations are tax deductible and receipts will be provided.

No donation is too small or too big! Please help us establish this exciting opportunity for Bitterroot Valley youth. We can not do it without the generosity of our community.

Check should be made out to “Bitterroot Marksmanship Club” and donations mailed to:

Bitterroot Marksmanship Club

C/O David Naber

PO Box 880

Darby, MT 59829

Please contact us at or at (505) 330-4845 if you have any questions.


Yes! I want to donate to the Bitterroot Marksmanship Club

Donor Name ____________________________________________________

And/or Donor Company: ____________________________________________________

Donor Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Donor Email: __________________________________________________________

Donor Telephone: _______________________________________________________

Donation Amount:

_________ $2000 Platinum- Complete Firing Point Sponsorship

_________ $1000 Gold- Half a Firing Point or 2 Sporter Class Air Rifles

__________ $ 500 Silver- One Sporter Class Rifle or 50 tins of Pellets

__________$ 250 Iron- One Year’s supply of Paper Targets

__________$ Fill in YOUR Amount- Remember no donation is too small or too big!

Would you like to be publicly recognized as a donor? Yes or No


Friday, February 18, 2022

Post 91 Scholarship Program

 American Legion Corvallis Post 91's 2022 Scholarship application process has begun. Completed applications must be submitted by April 25, 2022. 

The Post 91 scholarship provides financial assistance for 1) children of Post 91 members who will be high school graduates by the end of this current school year, 2) spouses, and 3) members themselves.  The Scholarship award is usable for college or vocational education.

If you have someone in your family or know of someone else who will be or is in one of these three categories this year please recommend that they submit an application and/or contact us for further information and application forms. Alternatively, we can contact them directly if you send us their contact information.  

For more information and/or an application form, please call the post Scholarship Committee chairman Marc Sabin at 406-802-2301 or Committee Member Don Bratsch at 719-201-1610.

Thank you for supporting this important effort by American Legion Corvallis Post 91 to help our members and educate future leaders for the country.

Monday, January 31, 2022

January Meeting minutes


Minutes of Meeting Conducted by Corvallis Post

 #91, The American Legion, Department of

 Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 18 January 2022

Location of Meeting: Corvallis Fire Station

Opening Time: 1900 by 2nd Vice Commander Helmbrecht

Attendance: Post Officers - 8 Post Members - 7 Guests - 1

Minutes from November 2021 – Minutes were submitted with tonight’s agenda. Doug Mason motioned to accept minutes as submitted, John Mowat seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.

Commander’s Report: None

Program: WWII Historian and Author, Terry Poyser, spoke about his experiences in researching the history of Fox Company, 101st Airborne Division during WWII. He also donated two copies of his book to the Post.

Committee Reports:


  • 2022 Membership goal is 181 – New/Renewed membership at of 1/18 is 163.

  • Adjutant Clover reported the New Member Packets are ready for use.

Family Liaison Committee:

  • Radio Club- Historian/Radio Club President Doug Mason gave a brief report about the upcoming winter field day on January 29/30 at the Chief Joseph’s trailhead. He anticipates about 20 members will participate.

Old Business:

  • Winter Active Duty Reconnect – Ike Slaughter and Chris Kurinec gave an overview of the planning for the next reconnect program. Plans are to hold it March 2-6. Chris will coordinate with help from John Nolan, Harris Himes, and Jack Berman. Attendees will probably be four couples. JSSOF will sponsor two people and the Montana SFA Chapter will sponsor two. Post 91 will sponsor the other two couples as it stands now. Presently there will be two people from USA, two from USAF, potentially two from USMC. We would like to find two more from USN or USCG. Planned activities are skiing and snow mobile riding with dinners at local restaurants. Lodging will be provided by the Stock Farm.

  • Scholarship Program – Scholarship Chair Marc Sabin covered this year’s goals for the program. An overview is attached to these minutes.

  • Honor Guard Training – Member Don Bratsch said the planned Honor Guard training for tonight has been postponed due to Martyn Reiss being ill. To be rescheduled.

  • School Career Day – Adjutant Clover reported that the CHS Guidance Counselor has requested that the Post sponsor a Career Day in April that will be centered on Health Care Professions. Date to be determined.

  • Legion Birthday Dinner – Doug Mason suggested that we think of a different activity to celebrate the March 15 Legion birthday than the usual dinner. He thought maybe a “Pint Night” at a local brewery for all veterans may be a good recruiting tool. Ike Slaughter motioned that Doug be authorized to represent the Post in making such arrangements. Edna Nasca Seconded. Motion approved by voice vote.

New Business:

  • Jeep Drivers – Finance Officer McHugh has finally found some insurance coverage through State Farm for the jeep. He asked for some volunteer drivers and there were three. They will send in their vital information to State Farm so we can receive a quote.

  • Law Enforcement Office of the Year – Adjutant Clover reported that Sheriff Holton has nominated Deputy Ike Jessop for our program. We have forwarded his application on to Department of MT for their consideration for the State Law Enforcement Officer of the Year award.

  • Financial Software Training – Doug Mason mentioned that there will be a training at Bitterroot College for Quick Books and said it would be beneficial for the Post to cover training for Jim McHugh. Doug motioned that the Post cover the cost providing the class fits into Jim’s schedule. John Mowat seconded. Motion approved by voice vote.

  • Youth Programs – Adjutant Clover brought up that we are still looking for coordinators for the Oratorical and Constitutional Essay contests in the local schools. Deadlines are looming.

Good of The American Legion:

  • Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member Ron Marshall’s name was drawn. He was not present to win.

Sick Call and Memorials

Sick Call members are Martyn Reiss, Don Goodnight, Fred Upchurch

In Memoriam - SAL member Jeff Cherry, Auxiliary member Helen Gurtner

Upcoming Events:

1. Sat/Sun 29/30 Jan – Amateur Radio Club Field Day @ St Joseph Trailhead.

2. Tuesday 1 Feb – Legion Riders Monthly Meeting, BJ’s at 1830

3. Monday 7 Feb – Amateur Radio Club Meeting – BJ’s Restaurant at 1800.

4. Monday 14 Feb – Executive Committee Meeting, 0900 at VVSC Hamilton.

5. Tuesday 15 Feb – Monthly Membership Meeting, CFD at 1900.

6. Wednesday 2 Mar – 6 Mar – Winter Active Duty Reconnect

7. Monday 30 May – Memorial Day Parade

8. June Timeframe – Women’s Pistol Course

Closing Time: Vice Commander Helmbrecht adjourned meeting at 2017 hrs.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Job posting at Rocky Mountain Lab

 The NIH is committed to hiring a diverse group of the most qualified candidates to carry out its mission of making important medical discoveries that improve health and save lives.  We believe that one of the best referral sources of candidates for this position is our own employees.  So please feel free to apply to this vacancy announcement if you are interested, and forward the links to any other interested candidates.


Position Title/Series/Grade

Maintenance  Mechanic, WG-4749-10

Full Performance Level (FPL)


Area of Consideration

All Sources (DE+MP)

DE Announcement Number


MP Announcement Number


Open Date


Close Date



Montgomery County, MD, Hamilton Mt

Number of Vacancies


DE Announcement Link

MP Announcement Link


Cheryl Harris

Human Resources Specialist

301-594-6689 (p)

301-480-0375 (f)

OHR/CSD/Branch C

2115 East Jefferson St., 1E140

Rockville, MD 20852