Friday, June 18, 2021

 Annual Picnic – The Post 91annual picnic and monthly membership meeting will be held on Wednesday July 21. Location will be at the Victor City Park. A fly casting clinic will be offered to members and family starting at 1600. This will be followed by a falconer presentation at 1700 and then potluck hot dog roast at 1800. New officer installation will also be held. Anyone interested in the fly casting clinic can reserve a spot by sending an email to our post email address:


Minutes of Meeting Conducted by Corvallis Post

 #91, The American Legion, Department of

 Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 16 June 2021

Location of Meeting: Corvallis Fire Station

Opening Time: 1900

Attendance: Post Officers - 6 Post Members - 7 Guests - 4

Minutes from May 2021 – 1st Asst Vice Commander Williams read the minutes for May, Don Bratsch motioned to accept minutes as read. Ike Slaughter seconded. Approved by voice vote.

2021 Membership Goal is 166 – Current dues paid membership as of June 16 is 204.

Guests Josh Schever, Alfred, Bill Berglund and Gina Noirot introduced themselves.

Program: None

Commander’s Report:

Commander Turner was absent due to travel. 1st Vice Commander Williams reviewed this month’s executive committee meeting.

Committee Reports:

Old Business:

  • Memorial Day Parade – 1st Vice Commander Williams asked for any feedback from the membership regarding the recent Memorial Day Parade. Positive comments were made regarding crowd size and its enthusiastic response and the sky divers. Crowd size was estimated to be 3500-4000 by Ravalli Co. Sheriffs. These comments will be added to those by the Exec Committee for future planning. Jack Berman volunteered to be chair of the 2022 parade and will be asking for committee members in the near future.

  • State Convention – 1st Vice Commander Williams spoke about the need for post delegates for the upcoming Department Convention in Helena. There were no volunteers.

  • Women’s Pistol Course – Ike Slaughter discussed the upcoming Women’s Pistol Course led by member Vern Cortes. They will be looking for approximately 10 participants from the 1) Women Post Members then 2) Women veterans from the community and then 3) Spouses of post members. Scheduling is a few months out yet.

New Business:

  • Membership Development – The chapter has had a net gain of 47 new members (35 first time members and 12 transfers) this past year, an increase of 13%. The executive committee wants to establish a sub committee or working group that will focus on programs to recruit and retain more younger vets (ie age 50 and below). This will be to support the long-term viability of the post. Discussion was had by several members and members of the audience were asked for ideas and participation,

  • Suicide Prevention Class - 1st Vice Commander Williams and Chaplain Wrede spoke about the upcoming class held at the Stevensville Legion Office.

  • Annual Picnic – The annual picnic will be held on Wednesday July 21. Location will be at the Victor City Park. A fly casting clinic will be offered to members and family starting at 1600. This will be followed by a falconer presentation at 1700 and then potluck hot dog roast at 1800. New officer installation will also be held. Anyone interested in the fly casting clinic can reserve a spot by sending an email to our post email address:

  • Summer Active Duty Reconnect – Ike talked about an offer from our Rye Creek ATV/Snow Mobile activity donor, who is willing to put together a day of ATV riding for some active duty personnel. Ike said if anyone knows of any local active duty personnel that may be interested in this activity to let him know.

Good of The American Legion:

  • Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member’s name picked was Lawerence Beeley, who was not present to win.

  • Edna Nasca reported she had won $20 from the Department Cash Calendar.

  • Long time post member Allen Bjergo’s passing was noted. His services will be held on July 10.

Upcoming Events:

1. Monday July 5 – Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting, BJ’s at 1800.

2. Tuesday July 6 – Legion Riders Monthly Meeting, BJ’s 1830

3. Wednesday July 21 – Monthly Membership Meeting and Annual Picnic, Victor City Park, activities start at 1600, hot dog feed and meeting at 1800.

Closing Time: 1st Vice Commander Williams closed meeting at 1940 hrs.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021