Monday, March 27, 2023

Executive Committee Member nominations - Roles and Responsabilities

Nominations are open for Executive Committee Members – Presently the positions of 1st Vice Commander, Adjutant and one general committee member will be open. Below are the details of what each role is and their responsibilities.

  1. DUTIES OF POST COMMANDER. It shall be the duty of the Post commander to preside at all meetings of the Post and to have general supervision over the business and affairs of the Post, and such officer shall be the chief executive officer of the Post. The Commander shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall make an annual report covering the business of the Post for the year, and recommendations for the ensuing year, which shall be read at the annual meeting and a copy thereof immediately forwarded to the department adjutant. The Commander shall perform such other duties as directed by the Post.
  2. DUTIES OF 1st VICE COMMANDER. The 1st Vice-commander shall assume and discharge the duties of the office of commander in the absence or disability of, or when called upon by the Post commander.
  3. DUTIES OF 2ND VICE COMMANDER. The 2nd Vice Commander provides the programs for the meetings and attracts attendance. The social calendar must always be filled several months in advance with activities that will bring out the active members, as well as those who are just card-carrying Legionnaires.

One of the first duties should be to contact other veteran and civic groups so that each patriotic holiday and observance receives the attention it deserves. He/She will be concerned with the pageantry so closely associated with the Legion.

The Second Vice Commander promotes the color guard or firing squad.

In the pursuit of "Justice," the Second Vice Commander will be concerned with the welfare of all fellow veterans and will be interested in the work of the veteran’s affairs and rehabilitation committee. The Second Vice will need to know if the economic committee is functioning.

4.     DUTIES OF POST ADJUTANT. The adjutant shall have charge of and keep a full and correct record of all proceedings of all meetings, keep such records as the department and National Organizations may require, render reports of membership annually or when called upon at a meeting, and under direction of the commander handle all correspondence of the Post.

5.     DUTIES OF THE FINANCE OFFICER. The finance officer of the Post shall have charge of all finances and see that they are safely deposited in some local bank or banks and shall report once a month to the Executive Committee the condition of the finances of the Post, with such recommendations as he may deem expedient or necessary for raising funds with which to carry on the activities of the Post. The Finance Officer shall sign all checks disbursing the monies of the Post, and shall furnish such surety bonds in such sum as shall be fixed by the Post Executive Committee.

6.     DUTIES OF POST HISTORIAN. The Post historian shall be charged with the individual records and incidents of the Post and Post members, and shall perform such other duties as may properly pertain to the office as may be determined by the Post or the Executive Committee.

7.     DUTIES OF POST CHAPLAIN. The Post chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of the Post comrades and will offer divine but nonsectarian service in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc., adhere to such ceremonial rituals as are recommended by the national or Department headquarters from time to time.

8.     DUTIES OF SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. The sergeant-at-arms shall preserve order at all meetings and shall perform such other duties as may be from time to time assigned to him by the Post Executive Committee.

9.     DUTIES OF SERVICE OFFICER. The Post Service Officer is responsible for bringing to the attention of all veterans and their dependents the rights and benefits granted them by law.

The Service Officer must know how to utilize the expert services available through Legion channels, as well as those of other agencies in his community. It takes a dedicated person to get the information to the full-time professionals to make certain that every veteran and dependents are adequately represented. These and many other duties are routine to a good Service Officer, but there is more, such as serving as chair of the veterans affairs and rehabilitation or service committee and working closely with the children and youth committee, Post employment officer, and the hospital visitation committee. The Auxiliary Unit frequently needs help. The Service Officer's report should be a standard part of every meeting. Working in cooperation with the Post legislative committee, the Post Service Officer can aid in coordinating the support of the Post with the national effort.

10. DUTIES OF JUNIOR PAST COMMANDER. Junior Past Commander is the chairman of the Past Commanders' Advisory Committee. Its primary purpose is social (meeting at a minimum of four times a year) and the retention of good fellowship among those who have served as Commanders. This Committee is a wealth of knowledge, know-how for the post commander. The junior past commander is also on the post's executive committee.

Post 91 Regular February Meeting Minutes

 Minutes of Meeting Conducted by 

Corvallis Post #91, The American Legion, 

Department of Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 21 February 2023

Location of Meeting: Corvallis High School

Opening Time: 1900 by Commander Himes

Attendance: Post Officers - 6   Post Members - 11        Guests - 3

Minutes from January 17, 2023– Minutes were submitted.  Doug Mason moved that the past meeting’s minutes be accepted as submitted.  John Mowat seconded the motion.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Program –

1.       Corvallis Middle School Ski Club members gave their thanks to the Post for our $6000 donation last October.  There are 130 students in the program with each getting to ski five times during the season.  In past years they would only ski once per season.

2.      Corvallis School District #1 Superintendent Pete Joseph gave the Post a presentation about the state of the Corvallis School District and explained the need for an upcoming levy on the ballot.  He also thanked the Post for being so involved with the Corvallis schools and community.  Doug Mason motioned that the Post go on record that it supports the school levy.  Don Helmbrecht seconded the motion.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Guests and New Members – New member John Swallow introduced himself.

Commander’s Report

Commander Harris expressed his gratitude for the Post being able to work with the Corvallis Schools and to be more of a part of the Community.  He cited the examples of the Oratorical Contest, Constitutional Essay Contest, Boys and Girls State and the Bitterroot Valley Military Program.  He said it is part of our mission to inculcate patriotism which he feels we are doing with these programs.  He would like to develop opportunities for the youth in the SAL and Legion Auxiliary as time goes on.

Committee Reports:

  • House and Entertainment:  Upcoming District 5 Meeting on 30 April.  It will be held at Corvallis High School, and we will be catering two of the meals for the group.
  • Radio Club – Doug Mason gave an update on the activities. The Club supported the Darby Dog Derby on January 14 & 15.  They held their Winter Field Days on January 28 & 29. They will be conducting a EM-Com training on March 2 at the CHS library at 1900, and on successive first Thursdays.  Their HF repeater has been received.  They are holding Radio Nights every Wednesday at Jack’s Place open to anyone who wants to learn more. There will be a Fox Hunt held on April 15.
  • Scholarships – Marc Sabin was ill and not in attendance.
  • Shooting Club – No report
  • Fishing Club – Chris Haxton sent a report prior to the meeting.  The group has decided to join forces with Project Healing Waters, which is another group working with veterans.  They will now meet at the Hamilton Masonic Temple, 115 S. 3rd St, Hamilton on the 3rd Monday of the month at 1830 hrs.
  • Auxiliary – No report
  • Bitterroot Valley Military Program – Coordinators Sean Smothers and Kevin Holyfield gave an update on the program.  With the second reading and approval of the Constitution at tonight’s meeting, they will become a part of the Post 91 affiliated activities.  They will begin activities in March.  They want to highlight the value of service in the community.  They have good ties with the Corvallis schools and want to celebrate unity.
  • Law Enforcement Liaison – Post Liaison Randy Baird spoke about the ALERT (American Legion Emergency Response Team) program being developed by four of the Bitterroot Valley Legion Posts.  The group will be a volunteer support force for the Sheriff’s Office during emergencies centered around the Emergency Operations Center.  There will be two training sessions in May for committed volunteers.
  • Memorial Day Parade – Parade Chair Jack Berman said that he will start planning meetings in March.


·        New/Renewed membership to date is 193.  Goal is 185.  Commander Himes and Historian Mason were each awarded the 2022-2023 Membership Excellence “BE THE ONE” incentive pin.  Ike Slaughter also was awarded one but was not present.  The award is for recruiting at least 3 new members during the July 2022-June2023 time period.

Old Business:

  • Active Duty Reconnect – Adjutant Clover reported that the group of 5 will arriving Friday afternoon 2/24, with a welcome dinner at the Victor Steakhouse.  The group will be skiing three days and participate in four dinners with Post members.  They will depart Tuesday morning 2/28.
  • Social Media – No report as Media Coordinator Randi Thorson was not in attendance.
  • School Programs – No formal report as Chair Marc Sabin was not in attendance.
    • Doug Mason reported that the Oratorical speech contest was held earlier in the day with two participants.
  • Bylaws and Constitutional Changes – Historian Mason held the second reading of the changes to the By Laws and Post Constitution:
    • By-Law Resolution #1 Post Executive Quorum - Increase the amount of committee members to achieve a quorum to conduct business from the existing 3 to 6.  After the second reading Don Helmbrecht motioned to approve the resolution.  Jack Berman seconded the motion.  Motion carried by voice vote.
    • By-Law Resolution #2 Post Budget Proposal and Approval - Establish requirements that the Post have an annual fiscal year budget that is approved by the membership at the April Meeting.  After the second reading John Mowat motioned to approve the resolution.  Jack Berman seconded the motion.  Motion carried by voice vote.
    • By-Law Resolution #3 Changes to Approved Budget - There will be limits on the amount the Executive Committee can exceed the established budget ($500) without the approval of the general membership.  After the second reading Keith Graves motioned to approve the resolution.  Bobby Tucker seconded the motion.  Motion carried by voice vote.
    • Constitution Resolution #1 Bitterroot Valley Military Program -The Post constitution be changed to recognize the Bitterroot Valley Military Program be an official youth program of Post 91.  After the second reading Don Helmbrecht motioned to approve the resolution.  Jack Berman seconded.  Motion carried by voice vote.
  • February 1 – June 30 Operating Budget  – Adjutant Clover presented the budget for the remainder of the 2023 Fiscal Year.  It will be updated monthly at the end of the month when the checkbook is reconciled.  He said the Finance Committee will begin work on the 2024 Fiscal Year budget in March.

New Business

  • Social Media User Agreement – Doug performed the first reading of a proposed By-Laws change to add social media oversight to the Public Relations Committee.  Proposed changes are attached.
  • Boys and Girls State – Doug reported that we have one candidate so far for Boys State. 

Good of The American Legion: 

·         Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member Richard Lockhart’s name was drawn.  He was not present to win the $500 Frontier Guns and Ammo gift certificate.

Sick Call and Memorials

Doug spoke about the recent death of member Steve Hansen.

 Upcoming Events:

 1. Friday-Tuesday February 24-28 – Winter Active Duty Reconnect.

 2. Thursday March 2– Emergency Communications and Response Training – 1900 @ CHS Library.

 3.Saturday March 4 – BVMP Orientation – CHS Mini Theater at 0900.

 4. Monday March 6 – Radio Club Monthly Meeting – 1800 @ BJ’s

 5. Tuesday March 7 - Legion Riders Meeting – 1830 @ BJ’s

 6. Monday March 13- Monthly Executive Committee Meeting – 0900 @ Jack’s Place.

 7. Wednesday March 15 – American Legion Birthday

 8. Monday March 20 - Fishing Club Meeting – Hamilton Masonic Temple, 115 S. 3rd St, Hamilton @1830

 9. Tuesday March 21 – Monthly Membership Meeting – CRFD@ 1900.


Closing Time: Commander Himes adjourned the meeting at 2120 hrs.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot - March for Jesus Christ

 “Jesus then said to his disciples, ‘If any man will follow me, let him forsake himself: and take up his cross, and follow me.’

Matthew 16:24, 1599 Geneva Bible


Corvallis, MT – The Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot are a group made up of followers of Jesus Christ who have served in the military. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and a veteran, then you have a place in this group. Our motto is “give back with love,” and our goal is to help fellow veterans, their families and the local community through prayer and work. We want all Christians, particularly veterans, to know that they are not alone, and we and others are here to help them.


We believe, local Christians need to stand up and show solidarity with fellow Christians here and around the world. The Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot are asking all Christians in the Bitterroot Valley to “March for Jesus Christ” on Saturday, April 8th, 2023. You don’t need to be a veteran to participate in the march.


The march will start at 7:00 a.m. at the Set Free Christian Fellowship Church in Lolo, Montana. We will proceed south along the U.S. Highway 93 on the Bitterroot Trail to Angler’s Roost south of Hamilton.


We are asking valley churches, youth groups, families, friends, and individuals to participate by walking a three-mile section as a group. Your time commitment is the drive to the checkpoint, a one hour walk and then the drive home. We still need cross bearers for this year’s march. Please pray for those planning this magnificent event.


For more information call Brian Wrede 406-369-5813 or attend the Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot prayer breakfast at BJ’s every Monday at 7:00 am. You can also go to or 

Monday, March 20, 2023

2023 Jack Pfau Memorial Scholarship

Program Objectives and Qualification Requirements

The Jack Pfau Memorial Scholarship supports the American Legion Mission Statement with programs that enhance the well being of America’s veterans and educate, mentor and lead new generations of Americans.

  • Post 91 allocates funds for the scholarship to provide financial aid for post-secondary academic education or vocational training for children of Post members, as well as for members or their spouses. 
  • Awards are primarily for natural, adopted, foster or stepchildren of Post 91 members and who are graduating high school in 2023 and will enter college as freshmen or begin a vocational program in 2023. These are designated Tier 1 Applicants.
  • Applications accepted from members and/or their spouses and from children of other veteran families will be designated Tier 2 Applicants.  They will be considered for awards depending on the number of Tier 1 applicants and the budgeted funds available to the program.
  • Upon recommendation by the Scholarship Committee and at the discretion of the Executive Committee (ExCom), first time applicants may be considered for assistance in the second year of academic education or the second course of vocational education.  Such applications will be designated in accordance with Tier 1 and Tier 2 qualification requirements. In rare circumstances, an application for a second award may be considered as a Tier 2 application
  • Nominal scholarship award is $1000 but may be less based on number of Tier 1 applicants and the program’s annual budget

Awardee Selection Process, Qualification Requirements, and Payments

  • Tier 1 Awards are not based on merit
    • No consideration of race, religion, political persuasion, sex, age, family income (Tier 1 and Tier 2)
    • Equal amounts per recipient, based on annual budget and number of Tier 1 applications received
  • Tier 2 Awards dependent on the amount of budget remaining after Tier 1 Awards are made and remaining budget is identified
    • If necessary, Tier 2 Applications will be rank ordered based on criteria such as, but not limited to:
      • Completeness of the application, demonstrated interest and performance in academic or vocational endeavors, demonstrated support for the values of the American Legion, and  roles and responsibilities in extracurricular activities
  • Scholarship money will be sent directly to school/training center to be attended by Awardee
    • Separate and equal  payments will be made for each academic term or vocational training session for which a tuition payment is required by the respective school
    • Awardee to provide due dates, name of POC and address information for payment to their school
    • If Awardee decides not to pursue the applied-for educational program or terminates early, unused award payments shall not be made, or if already made shall be promptly returned by Awaredee to Post 91

Application and Award Milestones

  • Submittal deadline 4/28/23
  • Mail or hand deliver completed, assembled and checked hard copy to arrive not later than the deadline of 4/28 by 6:00 PM
    • Mailing address: Scholarship Committee, The American Legion Post 91,  PO Box 205, Corvallis, MT 59828
  • Selection of Awardees 5/1-2/23
  • Announcement of Awards 5/3/23
  • Next Step Letters to Awardees 5/23/23
  • Award ceremonies as scheduled by respective schools
  • Questions welcome throughout the process