Tuesday, April 7, 2020

March for Jesus Christ

April 3, 2020 Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot
CVB-0220 POC: Doug Mason
“Jesus then said to his disciples, ‘If any man will follow me, let him forsake himself: and take up his cross, and follow me.’” Matthew 16:24, 1599 Geneva Bible
Corvallis, MT – The Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot are a group made up of followers of Jesus Christ who have served in the military. Our motto is “give back with love,” and our goal is to help fellow veterans, their families and the local community through prayer and work. We want all Christians, particularly veterans, to know that they are not alone and we and others are here to help them.
We believe it is time for local Christians to pray for our fellow man, our community, state, nation and world. The Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot are asking all Christians in the Bitterroot Valley to “March for Jesus Christ” on Holy Saturday, April 11, 2020.
“If my people, among whom my Name is called upon, do humble themselves, and pray and seek my presence, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear in heaven and be merciful to their sin, and will heal their land” 2 Chronicles 7:14, 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
The March will start at 7:00 a.m. at Angler’s Roost south of Hamilton. We will proceed north along the U.S. Highway 93 on the Bitterroot Trail to the Set Free Christian Fellowship Church in Lolo, Montana.
Walk 1 mile, 3 miles, 20 miles or the entire 40 miles to Lolo.
We are asking all the Bitterroot Valley Churches and Christians to participate by walking and praying for a one-mile section. At each mile marker, The Cross will be passed to the next individual. Pick a mile mark and carry The Cross. If there are people waiting to carry The Cross please move to the next mile marker. It should take approximately 20 minutes to carry The Cross one mile. If you are at risk of COVID-19, please stay at home and pray for us.
For more information go to http://corvallispost91.blogspot.com or https://www.facebook.com/corvallispost91
or call Brian Wrede 369-5813
For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one…