Monday, September 18, 2017

Disaster Preparedness

At 7 p.m., Wednesday, September 20th, at the Corvallis High School library, Corvallis Post #91 will conduct its monthly membership meeting.
September is National Disaster Preparedness month, so this month we will discuss emergency preparedness.
This month’s guest speaker is Harry Lee from Bug Out Montana. Alex Sakariassen from the Independent recently interviewed Harry, so here is the link ( to give you some background knowledge of our guest speaker.
Harry will be talking about “72-hour kits.” He will tell you what is in them, how to build them or where to buy one.
We are giving away two “72-hour kits,” along with other items as door prizes.
After Harry, the post’s amateur radio club, KG7SPL, will give a power point presentation on the club, emergency volunteers, and training. After the meeting stick around a listen to the Bitterroot Amateur Radio Club’s Wednesday night net.
Both presentations are open to the public. After last winter’s snow and this summer’s fires it is always good to think about “what if.” We are hoping to help our members and the public think through these situations and find some individual solutions.

Again, the meeting starts at 7 p.m. at the Corvallis High School library. Bring your family, a friend or your neighbor, because you must prepare before the emergency happens.