Saturday, May 20, 2023

Corvallis Memorial Day Parade Press Release 2023

The Corvallis American Legion Post #91, Auxiliary Unit of Corvallis Post #91, and Terry Nobles Squadron of Corvallis Post #91 present

 The 103rd Annual Corvallis Memorial Day Parade

Monday, May 29, 2023 starting at 10:00 a.m. on

Main Street, Corvallis, Montana


Corvallis, MT - Corvallis American Legion Post #91, Auxiliary Unit of Corvallis Post #91, and Terry Nobles Squadron of Corvallis Post #91 will host the 103rd annual Corvallis Memorial Day Parade at 10:00 a.m. Monday, May 29, 2023. This year the parade theme is “Be the One”, with the goal to Reduce Veteran Suicide One Veteran at a Time.

The number of veterans who die by suicide every day is estimated at between 17 and 22. The American Legion has elevated “Be the One” to be its top priority, empowering veterans, servicemembers, their family members and civilians to act appropriately when a veteran may be at risk. This event intends to bring more awareness to the problem while providing resources to those who may be able to help save the life of a veteran.

The Parade Grand Marshall is an U.S. Army veteran, and Post #91 member Retired Colonel Ike Slaughter. Ike has served in the Corvallis American Legion Post #91 for over 25 years. For most of those 25 years he was responsible for the Corvallis Memorial Day parade. This year we pay tribute to Ike and to his service to the community, state, and nation. Please join us for the parade this year.

After the parade, at the Corvallis Cemetery at 12:00 pm Post #91 will conduct its annual memorial ceremony. Post members will name all the veterans buried at the cemetery dating back to the Mexican War (1848). After the cemetery ceremony, post members will move to the Woodside Cutoff Bridge and place a wreath in the Bitterroot River for all those who died at sea. The public is invited.

For 103 years the Bitterroot Valley has enjoyed this rich tradition of honoring those personnel and veterans who have died. We honor all the United States of America’s war dead -- those who died that freedom might live.

World War I veterans started the Corvallis Memorial Day parade after they returned from Europe. The first parade consisted of a color guard and veterans, staging in the alley to the west of Main Street. 103 years ago, the first annual Corvallis Memorial Day Parade started south down a dirt Main Street.

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service. The holiday was first proclaimed on May 5, 1868 by General John Logan and was observed on May 30, 1868 when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers. Until World War I many people in the South refused to acknowledge Decoration Day. Memorial Day is now celebrated on the last Monday in May.

To Register please fill out the registration form located here: 
2023 Memorial Day Parade Registration . You can also register the day of the parade at the corner of 2nd and Market Street in Corvallis. Look for the parade registration signs.

For more information go to our Facebook page at or email us at or call Doug Mason at 406-546-4244.


Constitutional Essay Award Ceremony 2023

Constitutional Essay Award Ceremony

CSD#1 School Board Meeting 9 May 2023: 7:00 PM

Press Release: The American Legion Corvallis Post 91 and CSD#1 Recognize Student Accomplishments

A unique ceremony was held at the Corvallis School District Board meeting this past Tuesday evening, 9 May. Fifteen students from the Corvallis High School who were selected earlier this year by Mr. Phil Leonardi, their teacher for AP Government, to participate in the Americanism and Constitutional Essay competition, sponsored by The American Legion Corvallis Post 91. They were all recognized that evening with awards of Certificates of Participation for their work in writing their essays. Seven were able to attend and personally receive their awards.

The 15 students in the competition who were awarded Certificates included: Brandon Jessop, Bryce Cooper, Caitrin Allred, Clay Truth , Donovan Houser, Gavin Marston, Haylee Hoagland, Mackenzie Gross, Melania Wissenbach, Nathaniel Davis, Nicholas Wilson, SuSanna Palacios, Trinity Shippy , Tyler Weis and Violet Wissenbach.

Donovan Houser was the first place winner of the Post 91 competition. His award was a Medal and a Certificate of Recognition that were accepted by his mother and sister because he had another commitment. His essay was entered into a statewide American Legion Department of Montana competition where Donovan won second place from among all the other statewide entrants. 

Officiating at the ceremony were Harris Himes, Commander of Post 91, Cammie Knapp, Principal of Corvallis High School, and Marc Sabin, Post 91 School Programs Coordinator.

The purpose of the annual competition is to provide “students [with] an opportunity to showcase their talents and abilities by using originality, accuracy and research as evidence, while learning [about] the Constitution of the United States of America.”

Mr. Leonardi developed the constitutional topic for this year’s competitors to address in their essays. He asked the students to write the essay from the perspective of an attorney seeking to persuade the court of the correctness of their client’s case in a matter involving conflict between the rights of an individual student and the responsibility of a high school administration to provide a proper learning environment for the entire school. 

Mr. Leonardi was not able to attend, but Principal Knapp stood in for him in presenting the awards to the students. She also accepted an award for Mr. Leonardi from Post 91 for “exceptional leadership and skill in organizing and conducting the Constitutional Essay and Americanism and Government Test Competitions for CHS students” in 2023.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Post 91 Regular March Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting Conducted by

Corvallis Post #91, The American  Legion, 

Department of Montana, Inc.

Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting

Date of Meeting: 21 March 2023

Location of Meeting: Corvallis Rural Fire Department – Corvallis, MT

Opening Time: 1900 by Commander Himes

Attendance: Post Officers - 7   Post Members - 12        Guests - 2

Minutes from February 21, 2023, Meeting – Minutes were submitted.  Doug Mason moved that the past meeting’s minutes be accepted as submitted.  Brian Wrede seconded the motion.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Guests and New Members – Commander Deb Strickland of Hamilton Post 47 was in attendance.

Program – Dolan McDonald, Senior Instructor of The Appleseed Project gave a presentation about the Project and its youth-oriented programs.

Membership – 2023 new members and renewals to date are 195.  Goal is 185.

Committee Reports:

·         Bitterroot Valley Military Program: Sean Smothers submitted this report previously - The Bitterroot Valley Military Program currently has 14 Cadet sign-ups. Our orientation was conducted on 3/4 and we continue to accept new members. Our first training day will be 8 April, pushed back from 25 March because of the school spring break schedules.

·         Law Enforcement Liaison – Post Liaison Randy Baird spoke about the ALERT (American Legion Emergency Response Team) program being developed by four of the Bitterroot Valley Legion Posts. There have been 25 applications submitted for background checks.  Training will be two-four hour blocks in May.

·         Radio Club – Doug Mason gave an update on the activities. With the improved weather, work will begin to erect the 100’ tower. Weekly radio nights have not been regular due to key personnel being called out of town on work projects.  Three club members have received their licenses.  One “Light Up the Firehalls” has occurred.  The monthly Emergency Communications class has 25 members and is wrapping up the classroom section and will move into practical activities.

·         Scholarships – Neither Marc Sabin nor Don Bratsch were present.  Randi Thorson said she had posted program information on the Post Facebook page.

·         Bitterroot Marksmanship Club – David Naber reported that improvements continue on the indoor range hut.  They have received two grants from the NRA – a $15,000 grant for shooting equipment and a $3000 grant for furniture and equipment.  They also received a $1100 grant from the Darby Community Fund.  He is estimating the First Shot Celebration will be in the Summer.  The Club has been asked to host a rifle safety course for the Darby 6th grade classes when school starts in the Fall.

·         Fishing Club – Member Scott Roberts spoke about the Post’s club working together with Healing Waters, a national organization that provides outdoor fishing experiences for disabled Veterans.  He said the combined club meets on the first and third Mondays of the month at the Hamilton Masonic Temple.

·         Auxiliary – No report

·         Memorial Day Parade – Chair Jack Berman said that a theme had been chosen.  “Be The One” which is the national organizations program to bring awareness to veteran suicides.  He also said that the posters have been ordered and he will call a meeting once they are ready.

·         House and Entertainment – Commander Harris gave an overview of the upcoming District 5 meeting on April 30th.  It will be held at the Corvallis High School.  The Post has arranged for the catering of two meals during the day.  Doug Mason also reported on the recent Pint Night held on March 15.  There were 35 attendees and the Post received $80 from The Hops for beer sales.


Commander’s Report

Commander Harris thanked several in the audience for their contributions to the various post activities.  He is happy with the relationships the Post has established with the Superintendent of Schools and several CHS faculty members.  He hopes that more Post members can get involved as volunteers at the schools, which are greatly needed.

Old Business:

·         Active Duty Reconnect – Adjutant Clover reported that the weekend went very well.  The five attendees expressed their thanks for being allowed to participate.

·         School Programs – No formal report as Chair Marc Sabin was not in attendance.  Commander Harris spoke about the Oratorical contest.  The Post candidate placed fifth in the state competition.  The Essays have been judged with the winning essay forwarded to the Department for the state competition.  All oratorical and essay participants will be recognized at a future school board meeting.

·         Bylaws and Constitutional Changes – (Documents attached to these minutes)

o   Social Media User Agreement – Doug Mason performed the second reading of a proposed By-Laws change to add social media oversight to the Public Relations Committee.  Proposed changes are attached.

§  Don Helmbrecht motioned to accept the changes as read. Brian Wrede seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

·         Social Media – Randi Thorson reported that she has been working on on-line forms, such as the parade applications, as well as posting about the pint night, scholarships and March for Jesus Christ.  She is looking for backup editors.

New Business

·         ALERT Medical Component  -  Commander Himes talked about the potential for establishing a medical component to the ALERT group.  Post 47 Commander Strickland spoke about her experience as an EMT and CPR trainer.  She is willing to help organize the component, and anyone interested can reach out to her at 202-870-8542.

·         Executive Committee Nominations – Doug Mason motioned to open nominations for Executive Committee Members – Presently the positions of 1st Vice Commander, Adjutant and one general committee member will be open.  Don Helmbrecht seconded the motion.  Motion carried by voice vote.  Elections will be held at the April 18 meeting.

·         Women’s Shooting Course – Member Vern Cortes reported that the next course will be held at the Whittecar range in either May or June.

·         Disaster Response Team – Doug Mason reported he will be participating in a tabletop exercise with Corvallis Middle School around a hazmat incident.  The Post would participate in the family reunification portion.  He asked for volunteers to be part of that team.

·         March for Jesus Christ – Doug talked about the upcoming Walk for Jesus Christ, sponsored by the Christian Veterans of the Bitterroot.  Volunteers will walk three-mile segments from Lolo to Angler’s Roost on April 8th.  Contact Brian Wrede to sign up.

Good of The American Legion: 

·         Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member John Banks’ name was drawn.  He was not present to win the $500 Frontier Guns and Ammo gift certificate.

·         Certificates of Appreciation – Don Helmbrecht motioned that the Post give Certificates of Appreciation to The Hops Brewery and The Pin Up Patriots for their participation at our recent Pint Night.  Randy Baird seconded the motion.  Motion passed by voice vote.

Sick Call and Memorials

Member Patrick Nolan is recovering from surgery.

 Upcoming Events:

 1.  Monday April 3 – Radio Club Monthly Meeting – 1800 @ BJ’s

 2. Monday April 3 – Semi Monthly Fishing Club Meeting – 1830 @ Hamilton Masonic Temple, 115 S. 3rd St., Hamilton. – Chris Haxton (406-531-2184)

3. Tuesday April 4 - Legion Riders Meeting – 1830 @ BJ’s

4. Thursday April 6 – Emergency Communications and Response Training – 1900 @ CHS Library.

 5.Saturday April 8 - March for Jesus Christ – 0700-2000.  Contact Brian Wrede (406-369-5318)  

 6. Monday April 10- Monthly Executive Committee Meeting – 1900 @ Jack’s Place.

 7. Monday April 17 – Semi Monthly Fishing Club Meeting – Hamilton Masonic Temple, 115 S. 3rd St,   Hamilton @1830

 8. Tuesday April 18 – Monthly Membership Meeting – CRFD@ 1900.

9. Sunday April 30 – District 5 Meeting – CHS @0900.


Closing Time: Commander Himes adjourned the meeting at 2032 hrs.