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Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Friday, March 18, 2022
March Montly Meeting Minutes
Minutes of Meeting Conducted by
Corvallis Post #91, The American Legion,
Department of Montana, Inc.
Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting
Date of Meeting: 15 March 2022
Location of Meeting: Corvallis Fire Station
Opening Time: 1900 by 2nd Vice Commander Helmbrecht
Attendance: Post Officers - 8 Post Members - 15 Guests - 1
Minutes from February 2022 – Minutes were submitted with tonight’s agenda. Doug Mason motioned to accept minutes as submitted, Harris Himes seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.
Commander’s Report: None
Program: Chris Hoffman introduced 2021 Boys State Delegate Brinson Wyche. Brinson spoke about his experiences at Boys State and was awarded a silver buckle from the post.
Committee Reports:
2022 Membership goal is 185 – New/Renewed membership as of 3/15 is 183.
House and Entertainment:
Pint Night – Approximately 40 veterans and Post members attended the first annual Legion Birthday Pint Night at Higher Ground Brewery in Hamilton. Many door prizes were given. Three new members signed up, one SAL member and one transfer from another post. Results were also shared with District 5 leadership.
Family Liaison Committee:
Radio Club- Doug Mason spoke about construction progress on Jack’s Place. Only major thing remaining is interior painting, which will be completed this week. The club held a “Light Up the Fire Hall” event with three fire stations. 14 club members participated.
Scholarship Committee – Chair Marc Sabin reported that there have been 8 individuals expressing interest in a scholarship. He spoke about the Executive Committee’s desire to expand the eligibility criteria so that more people can be potential recipients. April 24 is the deadline for receiving applications.
Bitterroot Marksmanship Club – Club founder, David Naber, was not present due to a previous speaking engagement. He has spoken earlier to Adjutant Clover saying they are actively fundraising and plans on making all the Post meetings he possibly can.
Old Business:
Winter Active Duty Reconnect – Adjutant Clover summarized the program results. The participants were 2 Marines from Camp Pendleton, and 2 Air Force couples from Joint Base Lewis-McChord. The two Army personnel could not make it due to a last-minute deployment. All enjoyed the Stock Farm and Lost Trail hospitality, as well as the interaction with Post members at the various meals. Kudos to members Chris Kurinec and John Nolan for their pre-event and day-to-day coordination of the events.
School Career Day – Adjutant Clover reported that the Post is sponsoring a Health Care Professions Career Day on April 20 at CHS. He is looking for help in getting speakers for the event. Time will be 10:15-11:50.
School Programs – Harris Himes announced that there were no candidates for the Constitutional Essay Program. George Deaderick said that there was interest in the Oratorical contest, but no one ended up completing the application.
Memorial Day Parade – Chair Jack Berman announced that the first planning meeting will be held at BJ’s at 1800 on March 28. He also announced that Edna Nasca has accepted our invitation to be Grand Marshall at this year’s parade.
Jack’s Place Dedication – The dedication will be held at 1100, Saturday April 2. Honor Guard and Jack’s family will be in attendance. All Post members are invited.
New Business:
Law Enforcement Officer of the Year – Adjutant Clover announced that Post 91’s LEOY Ike Jessop was chosen the Montana State Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.
Officer Elections – Nominations were opened by Doug Mason’s motion with Harris Himes seconding. All approved. At least two present officers will not continue. Any nominations should be forwarded to Adjutant Clover.
Service Officer Report – Service Officer Griffin spoke about recent developments with service-connected ratings, as well as the proposed closing of three eastern Montana clinics. Our elected representatives have gone on record against the closings.
Good of The American Legion:
New Members Christopher Haxton, Chris Knepp and Adam Merlino introduced themselves.
Monthly Pot of Gold Drawing – Member John Meyers name was drawn. He was not present to win.
Sick Call and Memorials
Upcoming Events:
1. Saturday 2 Apr – Jack’s Place Dedication - 1100
2. Monday 4 Apr– Amateur Radio Club Meeting – 1800 @ BJ’s
3. Tuesday 5 Apr – Legion Riders Meeting – 1830 @ BJ’s
4. Monday 18 Apr – Executive Committee Meeting – 0900 @ RCVSC
5. Tuesday 19 Apr – Membership Meeting -1900 Corvallis RFD
6. Wednesday 20 Apr – CHS Career Day, 1015-1150
6. Monday May 30 – Memorial Day Parade and Cemetery Memorial
7. June Timeframe – Women’s Pistol Course
Closing Time: Vice Commander Helmbrecht adjourned meeting at 2015 hrs.
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Post 91s Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
Corvallis Post 91s candidate for Law Enforcement Officer of the year has won the Montana American Legion Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. Congratulations Officer Jessop!
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Active Duty Reconnect
American Legion Corvallis Post 91 will conduct its annual active duty reconnect this week. Post 91 flies in veterans from all the services and it is all paid for by the post and generous donors in the Bitterroot Valley. This is a chance to meet active duty veterans. These vets will arrive tomorrow March 2. They will enjoy skiing and other winter sports and relax in the Bitterroot. Please join these active duty personnel during the day or at least in the evening. Here are the evening schedule of events: 530PM on Wed we will meet at Finns in Corvallis, 530PM on Thur we will meet at the Higher Ground brewery in Hamilton, 530PM on Friday we will meet at Wild Mare in Corvallis, 530PM on Saturday we will meet at the Stock Farm Clubhouse, There are limited seats for the Stock Farm so please call Legion Adjutant Pat Clover at 406-381-1171. You are encouraged to come and meet the active duty personnel, its a lot of fun and is one of Post 91s major events of the year! THANK YOU!