On August 11, 2021, the United Press International reported that a 115-year-old time capsule was discovered in an old church in Seattle. Now this church, a German Evangelical church built in 1906, had ceased to be used for worship since the 1960s. In the 1970s, the building was renovated and turned into a counseling center. It was recently being demolished to make room for a housing project. The demolition crew got down as far as the old church’s cornerstone. That’s where they found a metal box which identified itself as a time capsule, filled with historic items donated by members of the congregation.
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Sunday, August 29, 2021
Corvallis Post 91Chaplains corner, LABOR FOR WHAT LASTS
July Membership Meeting Minutes
Minutes of Meeting Conducted by Corvallis Post
#91, The American Legion, Department of
Montana, Inc.
Type of Meeting: Regular Membership Meeting – Annual Picnic
Date of Meeting: 21 July 2021
Location of Meeting: Victor Community Park
Opening Time: 1800 (Pre meeting picnic activities started at 1600)
Attendance: Post Officers - 8 Post Members - 31 Guests - 8
Minutes from May 2021 – Tabled until Aug Meeting
2021 Membership Goal is 166 – Current dues paid membership as of June 30 is 204. 2022 Goal is 181.
Program: Fly Fishing Clinic was held for 15 participants; Presentation on falconry to general audience; Post 91 Law Enforcement Office of the Year was presented to Deputy Nick Monaco. Installation of the 2021-21 Officers was conducted.
Commander’s Report:
Commander Turner covered the high points of the past year.
Committee Reports: None
Old Business:
Women’s Pistol Course – Announcement was made regarding upcoming course on 7/31.
New Business: The following officers were installed:
Commander – Scott Turner; 1st Vice Commander – Tim Williams; 2nd Vice Commander – Don Helmbrecht; Adjutant – Pat Clover; Chaplain – Brian Wrede; Sergeant-At-Arms – Bob Koellermeier; Finance Officer – Corey Johnson; Service Officer – Dan Griffin; Executive Committee Member – Don Bratsch; Executive Committee Member – Ike Slaughter; Jr Past Commander – Edna Nasca.
Good of The American Legion:
Upcoming Events:
1. Wednesday Aug 18 Monthly Membership Meeting
2. Monday Sept 6 – Amateur Radio Club, BJ’s @ 1800.
3. Tuesday Sept 7 - Legion Riders Monthly Meeting, BJ’s 1830
3. Wednesday Sept 15 – Monthly Membership Meeting, 1900@ Corvallis Fire Station.
Closing Time: Commander Turner closed meeting at 1930 hrs.